Candle Massage

Warm Chills thanks to the Fire Energy !

Candle Massage offers excellent effects on psyche because it works by "fire energy" useful for thermoregulation problem and in case of accumulated stress.

Candle Massage


Its healing effects on the psyche and on the moral are really important because it work conveying "the fire energy", very useful for those who have thermoregulation problems, in the case of tendency to sadness, in the case of accumulated stress and, last but not least , has the great advantage of making the skin supple, soft and smooth for days after the massage preserving it from all those external factors, such as smog, heating systems or air conditioning, artificial lighting, etc.. that stress our skin's cells.

Può sembrare un po’ bizzarro essere massaggiati con la materia risultante dalla fusione di una candela aromatica, ma questo non deve stupire! Infatti non si tratta di un semplice massaggio ma di un vero e proprio rito di benessere, un tempo unico in cui sono coinvolti tutti i sensi, un'esperienza sensoriale che coccola e rilassa grazie ai profumi, al calore e all’ambientazione che la candela produce.

The massage maneuvers recopied the slow and gentle Hawaiian Massage's movements ... Karité butter drops, the main candle's ingredient , with particular nourishing and moisturizing properties, enriched with exclusive fragrances and beneficial substances, blend with the skin by dissolving the tensions, giving carefree, giving tone and vigor to the body, recharging it of wellness and new passions.

E’ particolarmente adatto in caso di contratture muscolari o di tensioni, ma anche di insonnia, stress, ansia o stanchezza. Ha inoltre un’azione drenante, ristrutturante e rigenerante nonché tonificante e ringiovanente.

The Candle Massage has its origins in Ayurveda, where mind and body are closely linked; reason why the massage as well as making the skin more beautiful will stimulate the senses and relax the mind to achieve a complete wellness.

As happens everything? The credit is due, in addition to massage, even to the colors, smells and ... heat.

The heat plays in fact a dual action: aesthetics, as it provides to intensify the moisturizing, nourishing and invigorating massage act allowing the active ingredients to act more in depth. The oil that is extracted from the candle, known as "liquid fire", is in fact, according to the Ayurvedic tradition, the substance tending to restore mental and physical balance.

The colors, instead, issued by candlelight, and essences, also issued by the candle, recognize to candle massage the value of a chromotherapic and aromatherapy treatment capable to carry a person to extreme well-being feelings.

A wellness ritual , a leisure break to escape from everyday life and take refuge in a delicate and enveloping oasis.