The circulatory treatments

When runs ... good blood

The efficiency of the peripheral circulatory system is a guarantee of health and beauty and when becomes less efficient, on our skin appear edema etc..

The circulatory treatments

The efficiency of the peripheral circulatory system is, to our body, a guarantee of health and beauty.
This is demonstrated by the fact that when the peripheral circulation becomes less efficient, on our skin appear edema, swelling, orange peel skin, often accompanied by disorders such as heaviness, fatigue, tingling and cramping.

All this can result in discomfort and adversely affecting our daily lives and relationships, adding functional and aesthetic impact also that psychic.

Sardegna Grand Hotel Terme tackles the hardships related to circulatory disorders with a wide range of treatments, which work in a complementary and synergistic, restoring efficiency to the peripheral circulation and health throughout the body, freeing us from imperfections, dysfunctions and hassles.